Shark wake park
Shark wake park

shark wake park

We are sorry to hear that your experience did not exceed expectations and we highly recommend reaching out to us directly to discuss this issue in more detail. What you explained as argumentative and rude was in fact our manager trying to help you understand what options were available and to succinctly point out that nobody was shortchanged or given less time in any on water activity. We strive to go above and beyond to ensure that every single visitor to the park has an amazing experience. It is always our policy to accommodate our guests in every way possible. When our manager verified your sign in time we noted you had checked in at 4:37 pm and we provided you time until 7:00 pm to ride thus actually receiving up to 2 hours and 17 minutes of total time for a 2 hour session.

shark wake park

You were informed by our manager on duty that you were certainly welcome to continue riding on the advance side for the remaining session and chose not to do so. In terms of the Cable Park, we did begin closure of the beginner side cable 15 minutes early due to staff training,however we additionally offered every single guest the opportunity to continue riding on our advanced cable, which had been slowed down to better accommodate entry level and beginner riders, during the final 15 minutes of park operation at no additional charge to any guest. Nobody was in any way shortchanged during this visit. This is and has been standard protocol for each guest that visits our park. The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a slow-moving, filter-feeding carpet shark and the largest known extant fish species. The participants received two total 50 minute consecutive sessions on the water and they are asked to begin exiting the water at 20 minutes until the top of the next hour to ensure they reach the shoreline at ten minutes until the hour. The Obstacle Island sessions run in two total consecutive back to back 50 minutes sessions which is clearly explained in all of our promotional brochures and is explained by our staff and lifeguards prior to going out on the water. For the most part, alligators are more afraid of you than you would be of them.Hello Sir The information listed in this review is not factual or correct in any capacity. “I can’t say there are none, because it’s kind of a chain of lakes. “There are very few at Okeeheelee,” he said. RELATED: Get outside: 10 best parks in Palm Beach CountyĬall agreed, noting that alligators prefer a quieter habitat. “In my experience, I have not seen nor heard of any wildlife issue at any of these locations for the simple fact that the wildlife does not like all the activity.” “I have been going to watersports facilities like the one we are building here since I was a child, from Miami to Deerfield Beach to Orlando to Tampa and all southern states where the facilities are located,” he said. had no qualms about opening a cable-powered watersports park on a freshwater lake where alligators, water moccasins and snapping turtles traditionally call home. Its lakes attract skiers, boaters, kayakers and canoers, and will add cable-powered kneeboarding, wakeboarding and wakeskiing to the mix when Wake Park opens later this year on the Osceola Pavilion side of Okeeheelee Park.

Shark wake park